sábado, 17 de enero de 2009

Physical exercise and adulthood

Author: Leonardo leinhold, Teacher in P.E., Personal Trainer, Lifeguard, Expert in Diving Rescue and Helmsman in Yacht Sailing (Prefectura Naval Argentina)

Throughout its life, the human being, is starting a number of cycles with a start and an end. The first cycle is the childhood, the youth, adulthood, and, finally, the old ages.Most of physical activities and recreational, are for kids and young people. For this reason, the adults have needs who are not satisfied. With too less free time, and in the short free time that we have, it’s hard to be motivated to perform physical activity.This lack of motivation carries some problems with it. It is known, for many years, that when people became older a reduction of the main indexes of functional capacity of the organism is real. For examples the maximum volumen of oxygen (VO2 max) is the best index to realize that. Some authors have established that from 22 years old, the decrease in the VO2 Max. occurs at 0,9 mL / kg / min for each year of age. However, on people that start train in adulthood been observed the opposite phenomenon: an increase in the VO2 Max. as a result of adaptations physiological of training.From this wondering is said that most of the changes that normally associated with age come from the non - use. This occurs because, as the human being is getting older, he moves less.To uphold this theory, to the experience of Dr Walter Bortz (important American sportish doctor), who, some years ago, passed six weeks with one plaster leg after an skiing accident. When the plast was removed, Bortz, which at that time had 39, was appalled when he saw his leg. “ Was something dreadful, wrinkled, faded ... leg of an old man”.This led to Bortz to start a research on the similarity that can be established between changes biological associated normally with the passage ofthe years and those produced by the non - use. In an article published in theJournal of the American Medical Association, in 1982, Bortz listed a number of physical changes, for example the loss of muscle tone and osteoporosis, as virtually indistinguishable if are due to age or to inactivity. Well the hypothesis that exercise can delaying the onset of certain diseases usually associated with age, as the heart attacks or arthritis. The approach of Bortz is the following: “ at least a part of the changes that normally associated with age in reality have their origin in the non - use and, therefore, can be corrected. ”[1]However, how can be corrected? The answer is simple: through excersicesThe latest research ensures that the greatest benefits to increaseLongevity occur when one spends more than 2.000 calories weekly in excersices. Walking you spent a little more than 300 calories per hour. If you walk for six hours, reach 2.000 calories.

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